The ADC Cytotoxic Payloads / Warheads market is projected to grow at an annualized rate of 12.4%, till 2030
Roots Analysis has done a detailed report on ADC Cytotoxic Payloads / Warheads: Products and Services Market , 2021-2030 ” covering key aspects of the industry and identifying key future growth opportunities To order this 130+ page report, which features 50+ figures and 15+ tables, please visit Key Market Insights § Presently, over 40 players are engaged in the development of ADC cytotoxic payloads / warheads. It is worth noting that majority (44%) of the firms engaged in this domain are based in Europe, followed by North America (28%) and Asia Pacific (28%). § More than 430 patent applications / granted patents have been filed over the last few years. Majority (80%) of the patents were filed / granted in North America; other key regions with significant intellectual capital include regions of Europe and South Korea § Maximum number of partnerships were establis...